Travel: Batang Ai Longhouse Resort

It was 4am on a cold wet morning, when we left Kuching for Batang Ai Longhouse Resort. We both barely got three hours of sleep but with snacks, high spirits, and a gps in hand we started our four hour journey.

Those eye bags..

The drive actually took longer than expected due to the harsh weather. The visibility was pretty limited and the puddles on the road made it an even bigger challenge. Luckily, there weren't a lot of cars on the road at the time. We arrived at the jetty (about half an hour off the main road) at around 9am but had to wait for another half an hour for the ferry to come and pick us up. So, we decided to take lots of pictures. Here are some of our successful shots:

Desert meets river.

The jetty.

Our destination.

Happy faces.

Reason why we had time to take pictures.

Bel goes rawr!

When we arrived at the resort, we checked in, we had lunch (which was really not bad), went up a trail to the suspension bridge (but it was closed, don't know why), played pool, darts and ping pong (for free), and took a long deserving nap before going fishing the old fashioned way.

Bel caught her first ever fish! She was pretty freaked out though.

Like a pro.

She caught two that day! And we had them both for dinner, cooked for free by the chef! They went perfect with the Thai sauce.

Great job, Bel!

We only stayed a night but it was great fun. If we could, we would definitely go back and stay for a couple more days. The room we stayed in was clean and big, although we could hear children running around screaming in the morning. The employees were really nice. They were polite and helpful. It really made the experience twice as good. There was even a nice swimming pool. The food there were really good especially during dinner, but the buffet breakfast was oddly more expensive than the other two meals combined. We had manok pansoh (chicken cooked in bamboo) there and it was delicious. 

Main entrance.

Windows shot from the inside of one of the longhouses.

The hallway of the longhouse that we were staying in.

Our room.

Our bathroom door.

Bathroom and cupboard combined.

Shower and toilet.

Last picture before leaving Batang Ai.

Hospitality  4.2
Food  4.5
Comfort  3.9
Cleanliness  3.9
Facilities  3.4
Value for Money  3.8


Address: Batang Ai, Lubok Antu, 95900, Malaysia.
Tel: 60-83-584-388
Fax: 60-63-584-399


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