Travel: First Trip - Sunway Lagoon and Kuala Lumpur (Part 3 of 3)

Never miss an opportunity to go to Sunway Lagoon when you're visiting Kuala Lumpur. I heard that they even have new rides available now. Bel and I didn't miss our opportunity to have a whole day of fun along with her sister, Tina and her sister's boyfriend, Clement.

After a long fun-filled day at Sunway Lagoon.

The Clement.

Sunway Lagoon is a multi-park and also includes a mini zoo called the wildlife park. We went to check it out before going to the water park. I liked that the animals had a spacious and a clean environment.

Pretty bird.



This little guy kept on following us. We figured he just wants to be famous. Well, here you go, little guy.

On a different day, we went to Times Square which is located in Kuala Lumpur. We were cold and hungry after walking around the mall the whole day and bought some delicious soup to warm up.

What's that spot on my pants?


Meet the new National Geographic Explorer!

The last day of our holiday finally came.


So, we went to find sweet food to make us happy.

This is one of the best trips I've ever had. Although, we got lost every once in awhile it was still awesome. It all comes down to the people you're with.


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