Food: Kuching Festival 2014 (Part 2)

Part 2 of the Kuching Festival 2014 experience starts at the main entrance, which is a garden.

And of course.. More food!

We decided to try a different oyster omelette (ochien)

At a stall called Fried King

It wasn't really good though 
Then, we decided to try some Nestum Chicken

Fried ice-cream after that


Fried Oreos

Fried Cloud 9

Fried Oreos were not bad, but I still preferred the not fried version

We even had some fried milk

Yes, that is right. Fried MILK.

And then, I got some 3 layer pork and chicken wings


This is one of the game stalls at the festival

Look at all those tents. 1 tent = 2 or 3 stalls.

And here is the normal foot traffic at the festival everyday.

For more Kuching Fest madness, stay tuned for Part 3.


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