Kuching: German Shepherd Dog Show 2014

On 17 August 2014, Bel and I (Shanon) attended the 3rd German Shepherd Dog Specialty Show that was held at Jubilee Grounds, Kuching.

German Shepherds are big dogs that are loyal, majestic, powerful, and also hard headed at times.

There were three categories in the dog show; adult male, adult female, and puppies.

The lazy one on the ground is a puppy. I like him. He is quite the drama queen.

Here are the rest of the pups.

Aren't they adorable?

The show started off with a light jog around the track. These are the front runners.

Is it me or does this dog look like he is tip toeing?

After the light jog, it was the puppies categories first. There were eight pups lined up. Here are some photos from that category:

Congratulations to the winner of the puppy category!

We left during the second category, which was the female category, due to bad weather conditions. Here are some of the shots we took before we left.

What do you think about Bel's little "doggies"?


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